Monday, November 29, 2010

the quarter is winding down, but we are just getting fired up...

Today I was thinking a lot about my last two quarters at Ohio State and how I could make them special... my roommates and I of course made the typical "Bucket List" as a means of not only documenting our senior, but also as a way to make sure we didn't miss out on anything in the "BUS" before we had to be real people and leave our college days behind...

1. Get PJ's for the first time (Check)
2. Visit the Orton Hall Bell Tower
3. Have a drink at Woody's Tavern
4. Jump in Mirror Lake for the 4th time (Check)

The one thing about the list however that really resonated with me was the fact that everything we chose, we chose with the mentality that we wanted to branch out, meet new people and experience new things (and a few old traditions as well). I think being a Recruitment Guide is a lot about stepping outside of your box and putting yourself out there, so that others feel at ease doing the same and following your lead. That's not to say that I think it's time to start taking the PNM's to PJ's, but ultimately, it's important that we practice what we preach so-to-speak.

So if your chapter for instance struggles to motivate its membership to get involved in the community and take part in service events, but seems to have the majority of women at a TG--- how can we aid them in branching out? It might be time to try joining forces with a fraternity to visit the Boys & Girl's Club or the Humane Society. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


It's not very often that I consciously think about making profound changes in my community or in the world.  Don't get me wrong- it's not like I'm not actively looking for ways to pad my resume... CLEARLY I would love to be able to say,

 "Sure, I found the cure for cancer. I CHANGED the course of modern medicine as we know it. Oh, yeah and I also solved the socio-economic disparity problems that plague our country and I found a way to make higher education more affordable for people in my generation. On top of that I run marathons, maintain a 4.0 cumulative grade point average and teach immigrants english while communicating with them through their native tongues of Farsi, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese..."

But that's just not realistic. I like to think of myself however, as someone who can make change happen. Not to toot my own horn or anything [toot toot], but I view myself as having a contagious enthusiasm and mass appeal, which makes it possible for me to articulate my ideas and cultivate change by fostering momentum on terms that people can understand.

In order to be a change agent, I think that self-awareness and awareness of others is absolutely vital. It's imperative that you ask yourself, "how can I portray this idea/aspiration/cause in a way that will make others believe in it and want to consciously work towards it, as a means of achieving something different?" For me, that is what change is all about--- being new and different, not for difference's sake, but as a means of growth and continuous improvement. 

Now is the time to ask ourselves what we as engaged citizens can do to change the world.
As a group we have the opportunity to foster change in our community, through our presence in it, and through the work of our able minds, as well as our kind hearts.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

my inner SUPRHERO? da da da da


This is the second time I've taken the StrengthsQuest assessment- the first time was nearly 3 years ago... 3 years ago, if I remember correctly my Strengths were nearly identical.

StrengthsQuest has taught me that the strengths, of which I most identify are intrinsic to who I am and how I interact with those around me. 
"WOO," or winning others over is my #1 strength. It's all about reaching out, and make others feel welcome and appreciated. This is how I plan to reach out to my PNM's and help to cultivate their leadership skills as well as instill in them a self-confidence and self-awareness to put their 'best foot forward' so-to-speak, during recruitment. 

"Communication" also drives me. I have the ability to articulate myself honestly and professionally, but I also have a mass-appeal, which makes me approachable. I have always known that one of my greatest assets was to be able to get to know people for who they are. For the past quarter, I have been interviewing for numerous full-time positions. The process has made me realize that I aspire to pursue a career in consulting. 

Consulting, not only builds upon the two strengths I have previously mentioned, but also upon "Strategic," "Positivity," and "Achiever." Consulting is all about opening people's eyes to process improvement, change implementation and corporate restructuring in order to drive better results in the long-term. One of the key elements or successful accounting however, is instilling in others a sense of comfort, purpose and responsibility even though most people are highly resistant to change.